The Fulda region is Germany's sustainable and prosperous center. Livable and innovative. Tradition at its heart, the future in sight.
Economic region
Founder, manager, networker? Everything you need to know about our region as a business player can be found on these pages.
Food point
Are you looking for a new home or are you even moving to the Fulda region for work? On these pages we bring you on board.
If the region of Fulda is to be the destination of your next vacation, you can get inspired on these pages.
Economic region
Food point

Central location -
in Hesse
There are probably only a few regions that can claim to be right in the middle of it all. We can, because Hesse alone borders six other German states. Two of these borders are in the Fulda region, because in the Rhön you will find the border triangle of Hesse, Bavaria and Thuringia. If you then consider the short distances to Frankfurt or Kassel or the proximity to the Rhön, Vogelsberg, Spessart and Taunus, then you will find a real pole position here.

Central location -
in Germany
Das Autobahndreieck Fulda liegt an der wichtigsten Nord-Süd-Achse Deutschlands, weshalb große Logistikfirmen ihre Hubs in Osthessen haben. Durch die guten Verkehrsanbindungen liegen geschäftliche oder private Termine in Kassel, Frankfurt oder Würzburg nur eine Stunde entfernt – mit dem Zug geht es sogar noch schneller: Am Bahnhof Fulda halten täglich über 115 ICEs und ICs mit insgesamt über 20.000 Reisenden und erreichen in weniger als drei Stunden Hamburg, München oder Leipzig.

Central location -
in Europe
Thanks to the direct connection to Frankfurt Airport, the world is open to you. From here, 95 countries can be reached by direct flight. What simplifies the way to vacation also means a locational advantage for companies in eastern Hesse. So it's no wonder that a whole series of hidden champions have been able to develop here. Despite their Europe-wide or even global activities, the Fulda region is an indispensable home base for them.
Fulda region?
There are a lot of plausible answers to this question
! We have collected them
for you - in the
economic life and with the people,
who know their home well or love as
vacation destination. Well, are you already
Thorsten Krämer
District master craftsman of the KH Fulda
"I get around a lot in Germany for work, but I find it hard to imagine living anywhere else."
Sabine Hauß
Marketing Manager from Swabia
"As a newcomer, I was very warmly welcomed here in Fulda right from the start. Thanks to the active networks, I have met many interesting people and made great connections."
Bernd Woide
native of Lower Saxony and Fulda District Administrator
"As a North German, I very quickly made myself at home in Fulda and started a family. I couldn't imagine a more beautiful region for my children."
Dr. Christian Gebhardt
President of the Fulda Chamber of Commerce and Industry
"We talk to each other - not about each other. Our interest is always in problem-solving, not self-profit."
Tim spring
Moderator and book author from Frankfurt
"The Rhön is tough competition for the Allgäu and Tuscany - and then there's the baroque city of Fulda!"
Malte citizen
Co-founder stafftastic
"The Fulda region helped us get started. It would probably have taken longer to get started elsewhere, but the existing networks made it faster in Fulda."
Fulda region?
There are a lot of plausible answers to this question! We have collected them for you - from the business world and from the people who know their homeland well or love it as a vacation destination. Curious yet?
Thorsten Krämer
District master craftsman of the KH Fulda
"I get around a lot in Germany for work, but I find it hard to imagine living anywhere else."
Sabine Hauß
Marketing Manager from Swabia
"As a newcomer, I was very warmly welcomed here in Fulda right from the start. Thanks to the active networks, I have met many interesting people and made great connections."
Bernd Woide
native of Lower Saxony and Fulda District Administrator
"As a North German, I very quickly made myself at home in Fulda and started a family. I couldn't imagine a more beautiful region for my children."
Dr. Christian Gebhardt
President of the Fulda Chamber of Commerce and Industry
"We talk to each other - not about each other. Our interest is always in problem-solving, not self-profit."
Tim spring
Moderator and book author from Frankfurt
"The Rhön is tough competition for the Allgäu and Tuscany - and then there's the baroque city of Fulda!"
Malte citizen
Co-founder stafftastic
"The Fulda region helped us get started. It would probably have taken longer to get started elsewhere, but the existing networks made it faster in Fulda."
This is how
ticks the region
TechHub Region Fulda e.V.
Der TechHub Region Fulda e. V. ist ein Katalysator für Innovationen und fördert aktiv die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen. Als lebendiges Netzwerk bieten wir eine Plattform, auf der Ideen und Ressourcen gezielt ausgetauscht werden können.
Marketing Network Region Fulda e.V.
The Fulda region is known for its excellent economic and social networks - and this also applies to the marketing and media sector.
Green Food Cluster – Nachhaltige Lebensmittelwirtschaft
The Green Food Cluster is an innovation network of the Hessian food industry, i.e. the Hessian agricultural and food industry, which is specifically dedicated to achieving greater ecological and social sustainability and related innovations.
#FDmobil - Recognizing challenges in the transformation of the automotive industry
We work together with regional stakeholders, jointly identify fields of action and needs and, in collaboration with experts, look for ways to implement ideas in practice.
Gründerregion Fulda ... meets - The exchange platform
The economy - and this naturally also applies to the economy of the Fulda region - thrives on renewal, be it through innovations, start-ups or company takeovers.