#FDmobil - Mobility changes, Fulda acts
Recognizing challenges in the transformation of the automotive industry
We work together with regional stakeholders, jointly identify fields of action and needs and, in collaboration with experts, look for ways to implement ideas in practice.
The #FDmobil project identifies opportunities and challenges that are relevant now and in the future. The aim is to make the project sustainable. We want to respond positively to change and strengthen the value chain. In doing so, it is particularly important for us to achieve tangible solutions that can be implemented immediately.

Dr. Frank Breitenbach, EDAG Production Systems
"The transformation of mobility is based on data. More data - more sustainability!"

Für Termine klicken Sie hier.
Active cooperation is rewarded. The strategies and training courses developed are free of charge for the participating companies during the project period (until the end of June 2025).
The offer consists of getting to know new technologies, new working methods and much more.
We also make the presentation and testing of new innovative technologies available to active partners.
We would like to invite you to the events - please click here.
Supported by the BMWK
The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) is supporting the formation of a mobility industry meta-network in the Fulda region with the funding program "Transformation Strategies for Regions in the Automotive and Supplier Industry". The network is intended to prepare companies and employees in the Fulda region proactively and at an early stage for the transformation in the automotive and supplier industry and to take advantage of the associated opportunities.
More contributions
TechHub Region Fulda e.V.
Der TechHub Region Fulda e. V. ist ein Katalysator für Innovationen und fördert aktiv die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen. Als lebendiges Netzwerk bieten wir eine Plattform, auf der Ideen und Ressourcen gezielt ausgetauscht werden können.
Marketing Network Region Fulda e.V.
The Fulda region is known for its excellent economic and social networks - and this also applies to the marketing and media sector.
Green Food Cluster – Nachhaltige Lebensmittelwirtschaft
The Green Food Cluster is an innovation network of the Hessian food industry, i.e. the Hessian agricultural and food industry, which is specifically dedicated to achieving greater ecological and social sustainability and related innovations.
Gründerregion Fulda ... meets - The exchange platform
The economy - and this naturally also applies to the economy of the Fulda region - thrives on renewal, be it through innovations, start-ups or company takeovers.