Gründerregion Fulda ... meets - The exchange platform

Joining forces
from our region

The economy - and this naturally also applies to the economy of the Fulda region - thrives on renewal, be it through innovations, start-ups or company takeovers. We have bundled start-up support with the aim of creating a start-up and entrepreneur-friendly climate in the Fulda region under the "Gründerregion Fulda" brand. The Fulda Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Kassel Chamber of Crafts, Fulda District Craftsmen's Association, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Fulda Junior Chamber of Commerce and Region Fulda GmbH work closely together in this meta-network on behalf of the city and district of Fulda. Thanks to this close network, we are able to support anyone who wants to become self-employed with our experience and know-how, regardless of whether they are founders from a part-time business or university or a fast-growing start-up.


Christoph Jestädt, winner of the Hessian Founder Award and founder of "Lieber Schorli"

"I'm the tenth generation to run a start-up. The region here sticks together, whether it's a succession, start-up or spin-off from the university. Support and networks play a huge role."

Heart and soul is the essential prerequisite for entrepreneurship. Anyone who wants to become a founder must first and foremost have courage and willpower. With this entrepreneurial spirit, good ideas can also be successfully implemented. We offer checklists, funding advice and networking!

Next date for information and networking in the start-up scene: 


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More contributions

Network - Sustainable food industry

Network - Sustainable food industry

The Green Food Cluster is an innovation network of the Hessian food industry, i.e. the Hessian agricultural and food industry, which is specifically dedicated to achieving greater ecological and social sustainability and related innovations.




